Bill Myers

 Bill Myers 's Books

A very well recieved series by Bill Myers are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are My Life as a Splatted Flat Quarterback, My Life as a Toasted Time Traveler, The Whirlwind, My Life as a Broken Bungee Cord, My Life as Alien Monster Bait, My Life as Polluted Pond Scum, My Life as a Busted-Up Basketball Backboard, My Life as an Afterthought Astronaut, My Life as a Cowboy Cowpie, My Life as a Screaming Skydiver, Room With a Boo, My Life as a Blundering Ballerina, My Life as Invisible Intestines with Intense Indigestion, My Life as Crocodile Junk Food, My Life as a Human Hockey Puck, My Life as a Belching Baboon with Bad Breath, The Mystery of the Invisible Knight, Devoted Heart, My Life as a Smashed Burrito with Extra Hot Sauce, My Life as a Stupendously Stomped Soccer Star, Phantom of the Haunted Church, My Life as a Walrus Whoopee Cushion, The Battle Begins, My Life as a Human Hairball, Eli, My Life as a Computer Cockroach, The Revealing, which was published in 2022.